













私(Yutaka Michael Maria KAMEGAYA)の作品「EDEN」(四六判半裁 / ミクストメディア)と相方(森木愛琥)の作品「飛べないオウムの夢」(B2 / カラーインク)である。






"Art Village Day 5"



It was sunny on the morning of the 5th day, and today the kitchen was cleaned up by the owner, the manager, and the co-manager.

The young husband of the ironworks came and started to install the roof of the eastern house from today.

Cleaning of our kitchen and construction of the carpenter's eastern house proceeded one after another, and after three hours passed in a blink of an eye, we took a lunch break.

We had lunch with curry, and after having a chat, we talked about the scientific method of "O-ring", and after a chat, we cleaned up the garbage hidden behind the warehouse.

The rest is accounting work.


Today, I was planning to hold a Genghis Khan party by inviting good friends from the village, and I started preparing after work.

To tell the truth, yesterday, one of the villagers bought me one by one a medium-sized work of about 20 size.

My (Yutaka Michael Maria KAMEGAYA) work "EDEN" (46 size half-cut / mixed media) and my partner (Aiko Moriki) work "Flightless Parrot Dream" (B2 / color ink).

I was really happy and delighted.

Also today, besides the lamb meat, there was a person who brought me the meat of the wild boar of Jibie, and he grilled it on the veranda and ate it deliciously.

Until about 8:30, flowers bloomed in various stories, and everyone was wrapped in a big smile and disbanded.


It was a fun and enjoyable day during Golden Week.