











○天地裂け 剣に雷鳴 大天使 (ヨハネ黙示録より)


○よだか舞い 清き心に 燃える星 (キリスト教とも馴染みの深い詩人:宮沢賢治(法華経)「よだかの星」より)


○羽広げ 上昇気流 乗る天使 (天使をモチーフに)


○柔らかき 天使の羽や パンダ鳩 (白黒の鳩が天の父の使いであるということの句)


○天の父 鳩に託して 舞い下りる (父の使いは鳩である)


○堕天使や 悪いやつほど よく眠る (陰府に墜ちた堕天使ルシフェルの心模様)

"Christian Haiku"


It's been a year since I joined the kukai's Yagakuyakai and started haiku.

Even if I sing a normal phrase to be myself, it will be weak in character.

No matter how good I can make a phrase, it may be a phrase that I sing even if I am not.

That's why I decided to put Christian material into the haiku to make it more personal.

Below are my Christian haiku.



○ Tear the heavens and earth, thunder on the sword, archangel (from John Apocalypse)


○ The Nighthawk Star, a star that burns in a pure heart (from "The Nighthawk Star" by Kenji Miyazawa (Lotus Sutra), a poet familiar with Christianity)


○ Spreading wings, updraft, riding angel (with an angel motif)


○ The panda dove with soft angel wings (a phrase that a black and white dove is a messenger of Heavenly Father)


○ Heavenly Father entrusts it to the dove and descends (Heavenly Father's messenger is a dove)


○ The more fallen angels and bad ones, the better he sleeps (the heart pattern of the fallen angel Lucifer who fell into the underworld)